Release History

1.0.3 2005-08-281.0.3
1.0.2 2005-08-221.0.2
1.0.1 2005-07-171.0.1
1.0 2005-06-061.0 final
1.0.0-rc3 2005-05-221.0 Release Candidate 3
1.0.0-rc2 2005-04-161.0 Release Candidate 2
1.0.0-rc1 2005-04-031.0 Release Candidate 1
0.9.19-beta 2005-03-04Pre release candidate?
0.9.18-beta 2005-02-20Still more refactorings, documentation upgrades and bug fixes
0.9.17-beta 2005-01-26Major refactorings
0.9.16-beta 2004-12-26Really the last release before march to 1.0
0.9.15-beta 2004-12-19Last release before march to 1.0
0.9.14-alpha 2004-12-06State of CVS
0.9.13-alpha 25-10-2004State of CVS

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Release 1.0.3 - 2005-08-28

fix PageableListViewNavigation doesn't shrink pagecount when the list changes size. Fixes 1275981. Martijn Dashorst

Release 1.0.2 - 2005-08-22

fix newChoiceItem does not use object parameter but selects directly from list Fixes 1263892. Thanks to Arjan Zwaan . Martijn Dashorst
fix Backport: AbstractDetachableModel doesn't propogate attach/detach Fixes 1253113. Martijn Dashorst
fix Backport: serialization bug in LocalizedImageResource Martijn Dashorst
fix Backport: possible NullPointerException in DynamicImageResource.getResourceStream() Martijn Dashorst
fix Backport: catch if session is saved to disk and reloaded again but locale is changed Martijn Dashorst
fix fix for classloading problems that caused problems loading markup/ resources for components that were loaded by another classloader than the current one. Eelco Hillenius
fix Backport: closed FileOutputStream in wicket.util.file.Files in finally block Martijn Dashorst

Release 1.0.1 - 2005-07-17

fix Only validate components that are visible Eelco Hillenius
update FeedbackPanel: made some methods that were not meant for overriding final, and added methods that make extending feedbackpanel easier Thanks to Phil Kulak . Eelco Hillenius
fix fixed bug in AbstractPropertyModel which gave problems using custom converters (overriding getConverter for a component) with compound property models Thanks to Adam Howard . Eelco Hillenius
update ComponentStringResourceLoader: resources are now inherited from parent classes when components have been subclassed Thanks to Jonathan Carlson . Chris Turner

Release 1.0 - 2005-06-06

update StaticResourceReference now binds itself immediately so clients don't have to know about the binding internals. Eelco Hillenius
fix Pageable list view navigator did not handle the "last" link properly in situations where additional elements have been added to the underlying list. Fixes 1209753. Juergen Donnerstag
fix Image didn't like webapps with urlpattern set to /*. It does now. Fixes 1213229. Eelco Hillenius
fix Fixed negative numbers in PageParameters. Fixes 1275631. Martijn Dashorst
update added PageableListView.setRowsPerPage Eelco Hillenius
fix Fixed converters once and for all. Null check results so that e.g., empty strings for numbers (e.g.) now return null instead of throwing a NPE Fixes 1211663. Thanks to Martijn Dashorst . Eelco Hillenius
fix The UploadForm now considers the encoding Fixes 1209027. Eelco Hillenius
add By means of Component.setRenderBodyOnly(boolean) it is now easily possible to print the tag's body only. This is e.g. necessary with < span > tags and Panels where in cases you want to be strictly HTML compliant the < span > tag itself must be removed. The (tag's) body will always be printed. Juergen Donnerstag

Release 1.0.0-rc3 - 2005-05-22

update Added constructors with just the id to the Choice component to be consistent with other Wicket components. Eelco Hillenius
fix Strings.escapeMarkup now properly escapes unicode. Eelco Hillenius
update Made the rendering strategy pluggable. From javadoc of ApplicationSettings: renderStrategy- Sets in what way the render part of a request is handled. Basically, there are two different options:
  • Direct, ApplicationSettings.ONE_PASS_RENDER. Everything is handled in one physical request. This is efficient, and is the best option if you want to do sophisticated clustering. It does not however, shield you from what is commonly known as the Double submit problem
  • Using a redirect. This follows the pattern as described at the serversideand that is commonly known as Redirect after post. Wicket takes it one step further to do any rendering after a redirect, so that not only form submits are shielded from the double submit problem, but also the IRequestListener handlers (that could be e.g. a link that deletes a row). With this pattern, you have two options to choose from:
    • ApplicationSettings.REDIRECT_TO_RENDER. This option first handles the 'action' part of the request, which is either page construction (bookmarkable pages or the home page) or calling a IRequestListener handler, such as Link.onClick. When that part is done, a redirect is issued to the render part, which does all the rendering of the page and its components. Be awarethat this may mean, depending on whether you access any models in the action part of the request, that attachement and detachement of some models is done twice for a request.
    • ApplicationSettings.REDIRECT_TO_BUFFER. This option handles both the action- and the render part of the request in one physical request, but instead of streaming the result to the browser directly, it is kept in memory, and a redirect is issue to get this buffered result (after which it is immediately removed). This option currently is the default render strategy, as it shields you from the double submit problem, while being more efficient and less error prone regarding to detachable models.
Note that this parameter sets the default behaviour, but that you can manually set whether any redirecting is done by calling method RequestCycle.setRedirect. Setting the redirect flag when the application is configured to use ONE_PASS_RENDER, will result in a redirect of type REDIRECT_TO_RENDER. When the application is configured to use REDIRECT_TO_RENDER or REDIRECT_TO_BUFFER, setting the redirect flag to false, will result in that request begin rendered and streamed in one pass. Thanks to Martijn Dashorst .
Johan Compagner, Eelco Hillenius
fix Fixed a bug that made MostRecentlyUsedMap (used to store page in the session) behave like a MostRecentlyAddedToMap. Fixes lots of frames/ popup problems in one strike. Eelco Hillenius
add Added method setChoices and some np checks to AbstractChoice Thanks to Jonathan Carlson . Eelco Hillenius
add Implemented support for obfuscating URLs Fixes 1169374. Juergen Donnerstag
fix Fixed Javascript parse error. CDATA section are properly handled now. Fixes 1192572. Juergen Donnerstag
update Refactored resources and fixed some issues along the way. The major change is that we removed ImageResource from the inheritance tree. So, if you have compile problems, replace any reference to ImageResource with wicket.markup.html.WebResource. Furtherm ore, StaticImageResource and StaticImageResourceReference are renamed to StaticResource and StaticResourceReference, as it is perfectly acceptable to reference e.g. a PDF (we did some testing with this as well). Also, as we fixed a localization bug in this, you could for example package resources like 'mydoc.pdf' and 'mydoc_nl.pdf' and reference them with a StaticResource(Reference), and let Wicket find out which one should be loaded. Johan Compagner, Eelco Hillenius
fix ResourceLinks were not binded for static resources. Fixes 1188417. Eelco Hillenius
fix Application is not serializable. Application in StaticImageResource is now transient and is set just before it is needed. Fixes 1192671. Johan Compagner
fix Nesting of message receivers should work without any problems due to the recent feedback message refactorings. Fixes 1197005. Eelco Hillenius
fix Instead of throwing an exception when a request could not be processed, Wicket now sends a 404. Fixes 1198740. Eelco Hillenius
fix in Form: Form components were persisted before the form was updated. Eelco Hillenius
fix When the upload does not validate, super.onSubmit will now not be called anymore. Eelco Hillenius
update It is now possible to set a Comparator for sorting messages on both FeedbackPanel and FeedbackMessagesModel. Eelco Hillenius
update Refactored feedback message handling to be independent (using pull models) of the flow of execution of a page again. This makes it easier to use, and results in less spagethi code. Introduced IFeedbackBoundary that is a tagging interface to implement message hierarchy blocks. Currently it is implemented by Page and Form. IFeedback now has one method that can be used by implementing classes to set (override) the actual component from where messages are collected. Form uses this to set the collection point when a IFeedback instance is provided. The add/remove methods of IFeedback are removed. Made both FeedbackPanel and FormComponentFeedbackBorder non-final, so users can provide their own markup. Also, FeedbackMessagesModel that is used by FeedbackPanel is public, so that it can be used for custom implementations without having to know too much about the internals of message collecting. Eelco Hillenius
fix Added escapes for & , " and ' in Strings utilities class. Eelco Hillenius
fix This bug prevented running Wicket on VM's that don't use SUN's security implementation classes. Don Ledford reported it for Blackdown 1.4.2 j2sdk. Removed SunJceCrypt's static initializer and put it in it's constructor. Application now reuses the ICrypt instance once it is created, so that it is easier to provide a dummy one. The current ICrypt instances seem to be thread safe, so that shouldn't give any problems, and users can override the factory method if they want to use non-thread safe instances. Fixes 1196140. Eelco Hillenius
fix In ResourceTest URL.getFile() was used while it should use a URI to construct a file. Eelco Hillenius
fix ClassCastException on ListItem.onAttach using CompoundPropertyModel. When using a CompoundPropertyModel to bind a list to a listview, the ListItem.onAttach throws a ClassCastException. This is because the model of the ListView is not used to cast to an element, but the root model. Fixed by using ListView.getModelObject() instead of having the ListItemModel try to retrieve the model itself. The ListItem now takes a ListView instead of a ListModel, and requests the model on the listview. Fixes 1194464. Martijn Dashorst
fix RequestCycle.onEndRequest not called after Exception. When an exception occurs, onEndRequest is not always calle d. This results in open database connections etc. when these are allocated and deallocated using a custom RequestCycle. Fixed by moving the endRequest method calls into the finally block of RequestCycle.request(). Fixes 1194460. Martijn Dashorst
fix Fixed the beginning/ending callbacks of pages. This was not done properly for listener interface calls: internalBeginRequest was called to late, or in case the listener set another page to render, not at all. The same problem applied to internalEndRequest. As this method is where the component models must be detached (see earlier fix), this had the effect that models were often not detached. Which in turn gave problems - besides a temporary memory leak - with lazy Hibernate initialization etc. Eelco Hillenius
fix Fixed JavaScript parsing bug as reported on the user list by Andrew de Torres. Fixes 1192572. Juergen Donnerstag
fix Validators (LengthValidator, IntegerValidator and PatternValidator) now only check non empty values. Eelco Hillenius
update Made a clear seperation between IModel.getModel(), IModel.getNestedModel() and IModel.getObject(). getNestedModel()/getRootModel() semantics getNestedModel() and getRootModel() returned Objects. They now return IModel. Fixes 1190287. Martijn Dashorst
add Added new Model LoadableDetachableModel that makes working with DetachableModels super easy. Eelco Hillenius
fix PageableListviewNavigation number of pages shrinks when the number of listview items gets smaller. This becomes a problem when the number of listitems gets bigger again. Fixes 1190208. Johan Compagner
fix setModel triggers a model clone. It shouldn't as in fact it is a component state change. Fixes 1190148. Johan Compagner
fix Fixes that BoundCompoundPropertyModel.Bi nding doesn't implement Serializable. Fixes 1189444. Martijn Dashorst
update Made a number of small refactoring changes to support url path encryption. The code is not that far from working, but the feature is turned off. Added a method Session.getPathCrypt() to get an instance of ICrypt for encrypting url paths for a given session (it's probably not a good idea in general to encrypt all paths for an application with the same key). Moved ICrypt and related implementations to wicket.util.crypt since the usage is more general now. Made a first pass at url encoding that doesn't work when path encryption is enabled. Also made a first pass at url decoding/reparsing that doesn't quite work either. If someone out there has the time to fix my implementation (I don't think it's too far off), we could probably ship this with 1.0. Jonathan Locke
add Added RadioChoice and multiple select lists to the form input example. Also fixes issue 1185624 Fixes 1185624. Eelco Hillenius
fix '-' in a attributes are parsed good now. Fixes 1187903. Juergen Donnerstag
add added support for redirecting to external url's (e.g. Google) directly by introducing RedirectPage. Also added an example of this in the link-o-matic example. Eelco
update Form validation now occurs for every form submit in Form.onValidate(). If the form validates, Form.onSubmit is called unconditionally. If there is more than one button on the form and the form validates, then Button.onSubmit() is also called. Since multi-button forms (which are a common case) are unlikely to want to override Form.onSubmit(), made this method non-abstract. Jonathan Locke
fix Enhanced CompoundPropertyModel's propertyType method to use the value from any TypeValidator attached to the FormComponent. Also, removed type field from TextField in favor of using the more space-e fficient FormComponent.getValidationType() method (which was added to implement CompoundPropertyModel.propertyType()). If no TypeValidator has been assigned, the default OGNL conversion will still occur. Fixes 1186940. Jonathan Locke
fix Fixed problem with check in add() when undoing a remove operation. Added internalAdd() method to MarkupContainer and used it from Remove.undo() in the undo version manager. Fixes 1186293. Jonathan Locke
fix In a search form containing textfields, the input value is set to the empty string when no value is in the textfield. This should be configurable, so the user has the option to override this behaviour. Default usage should be that the value becomes NULL instead of empty string. Fixes 1188128. Martijn Dashorst
add added support for CompoundPropertyModels to ListView, thus making it possible to add a ListView to a Form with a list property as the model without having to specify a seperate list model. Fixes 1186504. Martijn Dashorst
update removed final from getLocale to enable users to pin a locale (or use another algorithm) for custom sessions. Eelco Hillenius
add Added additional constructor for MultiLineLabel for it to work with CompoundPropertyModels. Martijn Dashorst
update Made constructor of ListItem public as class ListItem is public, and ListView.newItem is overrideable while returning ListItem. Eelco Hillenius
fix as in ListView accessor getOptimizeItemRemoval() is overrideable, the field should never be used directly. Fixed that. Eelco Hillenius
update Introduced property optimizeItemRemoval for tree as well. Many internal improvements that fixed some unreported issues. Tree is versioned again. Eelco Hillenius

Release 1.0.0-rc2 - 2005-04-16

fix tree does not need versioning by default. Fixes 1178309. Eelco Hillenius
fix Wickets mistakes < a .../ > for an open-tag. Fixes 1161111. Juergen Donnerstag
update Tree can be extended by providing a custom panel for a node. This way the tree can be used to nest arbitrairy components, like input fields and (more) images. Eelco Hillenius
fix modelChanging and modelChanged were never called in the link handlers of the delete and moveUp/Down listview links Fixes 1183947. Eelco Hillenius
fix Tree is not a listener for tree events by default, as registering the tree as a listener by default can lead to memory leaks Eelco Hillenius
fix Wrap catched exception so that we not only get the 'markup not found exception', but also what caused the problem in the first place. Johan Compagner
fix Removed 'removeAll' from the render method in ListView Eelco Hillenius
fix Added extra null pointer check in MultipartWebRequest Eelco Hillenius
fix Resources were requested from the servlet context by relative path. This gives problems on some containers (like Jetty 5.1.x) with a paths like 'mysubdir/foo.css'. The change is: final String url = '/' + getWebRequest().getRelativeURL(); Eelco Hillenius
fix Added updateCluster boolean to RequestCycle. As a request is parsed, this boolean is set in order to determine if the end of the request cycle should update the cluster. In WebRequestCycle, if the resourceReference call returns true, there was a bug where parseRequest would return true, which is incorrect. Now, resourceReference() and staticContent() both return false (since they don't involve pages). In addition, both set the updateCluster boolean to false. Then each of bookmarkablePage, callComponentListener and homePage() set updateCluster to true. Finally, in Page.onRedirect, updateCluster is set to false to override the true value set in callComponentListener for simple page redirects. Fixes 1182158. Jonathan Locke
fix Added PageMap.remove() method and PopupCloseLink class, which calls this method on Page.getPageMap(), which is now public. A little trick was necessary to invoke the java code AND close the window. When PopupCloseLink is clicked, the page map is removed and then the response page is set to a nested class with markup found in PopupCloseLink$1. This markup contains javascript that closes the window when it is loaded. Fixes 1182728. Jonathan Locke
update Factored out SharedResources class from Application and made some minor improvements to the static path() methods. This will clear the way to make Session relative SharedResources in the future. It also will enable us to make changes to the SharedResources class without having to add more methods to Application, which is already complex enough. Jonathan Locke
fix Any image path is now part of the resource key for shared images. Fixes 1181983. Jonathan Locke
update Added some parameter validation and finalized some methods that should not be overridden. In particular, Component.getSession() is now final as well as Component.getId(). The change to Component.getId() also eliminated a field in Page that is really not necessary. The result of these changes is a tighter API. There will be more changes of this nature as we lock down the API for 1.0 final. Jonathan Locke
update Minor refactoring in Application and ApplicationSettings. Changed Application.sourcePath property to resourcePath since that's what it really is. Changed getCrypt() and getMarkupParser() to newCrypt() a nd newMarkupParser() since these are really factory methods and they should indicate that. Made a bunch of methods final that should be and reformatted some stuff. Would like to make getSettings() final too so that hotspot will inline accesses. Unfortunately, some Spring related subclass has already overridden the method and so now we cannot make it final... Jonathan Locke
update Added FLAG_USER* bits to Component and made setFlag/getFlag protected. This will help avoid flag bit conflicts and will also make it possible to reduce the space needs of Components other than Page (which already uses bits in Component.flags). Jonathan Locke
fix Added Page.setDirty/isDirty and changed Session to replicate each dirty page in the session based on this flag. Then added code that sets the flag when a Page is modified (in case someone changes some random page), but also set flag on by default and each time a Page object is pulled out of a Session PageMap. This will cause the default replication behavior described in this bug. Unfortunately, even though the change seems to work fine, there appears to be a problem with one of the test cases. It looks like MockWebApplication was subtly dependent on something I changed and I suspect the test case rather than the code since all the examples seem to work fine. So I'm checking in and hoping someone can take a look at the test since I can't make time for a few days. Fixes 1177751. Jonathan Locke
fix Javadoc enhancement for ResouceReference. Fixes 1176169. Jonathan Locke
update Changed my mind about defaulting resources that are not lazy-inited. If a resource like "plus-sign.gif" is requested in the netherlands (locale nl_nl), first an attempt is made to load "plus-sign_nl_nl.gif", then the lazy init code is given a chance to create a resource for the nl_nl locale. Then if /that/ doesn't create a resource, we default it to "plus-sign.gif". This kind of defaulting behavior is important in supporting non-localized static resource references (which would not really be possible without this change). Jonathan Locke
update Fixed a bunch of unreported problems with image resources. The new method Application.localizedPath(name, locale, style) constructs more reasonable paths for images by inserting the locale just before the extension (instead of after it, which looks wrong and confusing). This method will omit the locale if it is equal to Locale.getDefault(), which means foo_en_US.gif and foo.gif are the same resource in the US. Updated Application.getResource() methods to use this method when searching for a resource in the shared resource cache. The new getResource() method will actually fail if it cannot find a resource that matches the locale (as opposed to defaulting to the default locale). This will help keep localization problems to a minimum and also ensures that lazy initialization will work (which it did not, before). Undid a change that Johan made to InputForm since we do not search for anything other than Locale.toString(), meaning nl and nl_nl are not equal in Wicket at this time (which is really a bug if anyone wants to report it). Finally, made changes to the static image resolution code so that it automatically creates shared resources! This means that the code for the Pub example did not have to change in order to be efficient /and/ localized. Jonathan Locke
fix Changed SharedResource to ResourceReference. ResourceReference does not inherit from Resource since it is a reference to a resource and not an actual resource now. Added StaticImageResourceReference to make it easy to create references to static image resources. See the Tree class for an example usage. SharedResourceLink was changed to ResourceLink. Fixes 1177942. Jonathan Locke
update Fixed problem where error pages failing could cause recursive redirection. In doing this, added Page.isErrorPage() method that returns false by default. Error pages override this to let RequestCycle know when a recursive failure is happening. Jonathan Locke
update Moved WebResource from http protocol package to markup.html package, which seems more appropriate since it's used in web markup by ImageResource which is in markup.html.image.resource. Jonathan Locke
fix Fixed shared resource localization problem manifested in forminput example. Image resources are now correctly shared under a URL that includes locale and style (as originally intended). Switching between locales will be correct and efficient now. The earlier code would result in unpredictable locale shifts when used by multiple users. It would also be very inefficient. Fixes 1175835. Jonathan Locke
update Added UploadForm.setMaxSize() method to limit the size of uploads. This change includes an update to the upload example which shows how to use the feature and localize the strings involved. Jonathan Locke
update Changed message model for "exception" to use Exception object: model.put("exception", e); This will allow full access to exception properties in localized Strings. In particular, you can now say ${exception.localizedMessage}. Jonathan Locke
update Added Component.getString(final String key, final IModel model, final String defaultValue) Jonathan Locke

Release 1.0.0-rc1 - 2005-04-03

update Reworked SharedResource a bit to address clustering issues for Chris. I think the new structure will work finally, but I don't have a cluster to test it on (which is why I checked in code that didn't work the first time). See SharedResource javadoc and updated Images and Hangman applications for details on how this works now. Updated tree to use this new style. Also, added a small change for Johan to get rid of inefficient asString() implementation in StringBufferResouce and StringResource. Nice find! Jonathan Locke
update We've got a new project: Wicket Stuff (aka Wicket Contrib) at: Wicket stuff is the project that is meant for contribution components/ utility classes that should not be in either core or extensions. In effect, these are the projects that are specific for an external libraries (like Hibernate, Spring or Velocity) or that are not generic enough to support in the core projects. In future, Wicket stuff can accept more committers than the core project, and also the rules of accepting components for this project can be more relaxed. Most of what was in wicket-contrib moved over to seperate projects. Currently these projects are in wicket stuff: - wicket-contrib-data : generic data models and utilities like PageableList; - wicket-contrib-data-hibernate-2.1 : implementations of wicket-contrib-data for hibernate 2.1; - wicket-contrib-data-hibernate-3.0 : implementations of wicket-contrib-data for hibernate 3.0; - wicket-contrib-examples : meant for examples that use more than one contrib projects, currently only cdapp; - wicket-contrib-fvalidate : javascript validation based on the fvalidate lib (; - wicket-contrib-groovy : groovy integration and examples; - wicket-contrib-spring : spring framework integration and examples; - wicket-contrib-velocity : velocity integration and examples. The normal wicket-examples project is trimmed a lot, and has no dependencies on the soon to be removed wicket-contrib project anymore. Eelco Hillenius
update Added Image.getImageResource() method. Removed Component.getModelLock(). Jonathan Locke
update Removed Localiz er methods that don't work with Components. Added getString(String key) and getString(String key, IModel model) methods to Component for easy access to localized strings. Changed inheritance hierarchy of models so that AbstractModels are non-detachable and AbstractDetachableModels are all detachable (and consequently implement IModel rather than extends AbstractModel). Finally, removed MapModel class and created two factory methods in Model that take List and Map objects and do appropriate wrapping for non-serializable instances. Jonathan Locke
update Almost final checkin for RC1. Changed initModel in Component to search the whole parent hierarchy for CompoundModels. Added logic that allows Components to know if they are the root model or a child sharing the parent's compound model. This allowed me to remove getRootModelObject() and incorporate the logic necessary to get the right model directly into getModelObject(), which now always works. It also made it possible to make replication of objects using compound models vastly more efficient since Components that inherit models are now detected and nulled out in detachModel(). When the Component is deserialized, the model will be null and it will be initialied via initModel() when needed as it originally was. Made changes to Images and ImageButtons so that they search for models differently (as a last resort, actually). This means they can be used with CompoundModels like any other Component, although that use-case should be rare. Jonathan Locke
fix Support CheckBox / RadioChoice server-side actions. Fixes 1160518. Eelco Hillenius
update Updated the error pages to have Wicket style error messages, made them HTML 4.01 transitional. Martijn Dashorst
fix Fixed lookahead code which was swallowing ?xml encoding header tag. Fixes 1166432. Jonathan Locke
update Added two convenient ways of constructing shared resources. The first by calling getShared() on an existing Resource. The second by using an implementation of ISharedResourceFactory in combination with new methods in Application. Jonathan Locke
update Changed Page's request() handling method so that it does not do a component check in the finally block. This was masking exceptions and displaying them as rendering check problems. Jonathan Locke
fix IMG tags are no longer split into open/close pair. Fixes 1167377. Jonathan Locke
fix Changed resource urls and added shared resources to Application via new add/getResource() methods. The techniques are pretty well demonstrated in FormInput and Hangman examples, which show how to use the new ResourceFactory code and how to share resources efficiently across an application. Docs are somewhat lacking, but the code should at least make sense now. Fixes 1166893. Jonathan Locke
fix Added IRequestCycleFactory for first-class request cycle factories to enable such things as a pluggable hibernate session manager in the future. Fixes 1168600. Jonathan Locke
update Moved ImageResourceFactory map to Application since that's a much more obvious and intuitive place for it to be. Jonathan Locke
fix Enhanced Component.toString() to include page name. Fixes 1167154. Jonathan Locke
update Made changes to AutoComponentResolver and AutoLinkResolver (new names) so that they can sneakily add components that don't participate in either versioning or modification checking. Jonathan Locke
fix Fixed problem with URL.getFile() using the sun suggestion. Fixes 1167112. Jonathan Locke
fix Added explanatory exception when static image s are not found. Fixes 1166811. Jonathan Locke
fix Added type setter to RenderedDynamicImageResource. Fixes 1166597. Jonathan Locke
update Changed the render cycle to make it better defined. You can no longer change the component hierarchy during rendering. If you attempt to do so, an exception will be thrown. To allow for modification of the component hierarchy prior to rendering, there is a new onBeginRequest and onEndRequest pair, which wholly replaces onBeginRender / onEndRender. There should be no need to do anything just before something renders now because the whole component tree is expected to be immutable throughout the rendering process. I updated the Link, ListView and Loop components so that they use internalOnBeginRequest() to add their children. But we have an ongoing problem with auto-links and auto-components, which now must be added during internalOnBeginRequest(), requiring changes to the markup parser as well (which should probably just make notes about what components if any need to be added in internalOnBeginRequest()). Also, fixed a major stupid bug in Component where i had implemented space efficient booleans nicely, but failed to initialize them. Jonathan Locke
fix Documented running the examples using a binary or source distribution. Made it possible to run the examples using an embedded Jetty server. Fixes 1167605. Martijn Dashorst
update Removed State and refactored clustering. Jonathan Locke
update Changed loop to use iterations rather than size, since this makes more sense. Removed LoopItem so that Loop is less easily confused with ListView. Jonathan Locke
update Removed attach() method from IDetachable and added it to IChoiceList. Jonathan Locke
fix Changed popup settings to use flags inste ad of booleans. Fixes 1165955. Jonathan Locke
update Major changes! Added PageMap abstraction to Session to make it possible for multiple browser windows, popups and frames to have their own page maps, avoiding the problem of pages going stale in one window when the other window is used. In the future, this will also allow us to implement a page stack for the page map and using this a back() navigation method that always knows what the previous page was. Adding PageMap required a whole set of changes to the framework. The various urlFor overloads moved from RequestCycle to Page (and they are implemented in WebPage). The reason for this is that each Page belongs to a specific PageMap now and it will render differently in that the url returned by urlFor will have the PageMap encoded in it (if it is not in the default page map). A variety of other changes were necessary to support this abstraction, including changes to state management and clustering code. In addition, this checkin contains a very early implementation of a concept I'm calling "PageSets". The code will eventually apply to security, presentation and navigation, but don't worry about all this just yet. Also created newPage() methods in Component that make it easy to create new pages using the Page's PageFactory. Fixes 1157844. Jonathan Locke
fix Replaced id="wicket-xxx" and wicket="xxx" with wicket:id="xxx". Juergen Donnerstag
fix Removed setStripComponentId(boolean). setStripWicketTags(boolean) now removes wicket:id="XX" as well. Fixes 1124299. Juergen Donnerstag
update Added Netherlands buttons to form input example to demo button factories. Improved DefaultButtonImageResource so that it auto-resizes buttons with text that won't fit (as it most likely won't in Dutch). Jonathan Locke
update Made FormComponents non-versioned by default. Added override of se tVersioned(boolean) to Form which sets the versioning of all its children. Jonathan Locke
fix Added setImageResource() to Image. Changed image factory syntax from . separator to : separator for eelco. Fixes 1162633. Jonathan Locke
fix Added setResponsePage(Page) to Component. Fixes 1156254. Jonathan Locke
fix Changed Panel so you can have preview text inside the wicket:panel tag. Fixed a bug in XmlTag regarding what the attributes map holds. It now holds ordinary Strings. Fixes 1164326. Jonathan Locke
update Added a protected method to Link and Button to get onClick script code to install from subclasses. Fixed bug where XmlTag attributes were case sensitive! Jonathan Locke
update File uploading now has its own first class model that abstracts FileItem away. The example has been updated. See that for details. Jonathan Locke
fix It is now possible to create AttributeModifiers that do arbitrary things to the original and replacement values, such as appending one to the other. See javadoc in AttributeModifier for details. Fixes 1138660. Jonathan Locke
update Now WebApplication reads the servlet init parameter "configuration". If the parameter has the value "development", settings appropriate for development are set. If it's "deployment", deployment settings are used. If development, configuration is specified and a "sourceFolder" init parameter is also set, then resources in that folder will be polled for changes. Since this all occurs on initialization, the user can still override settings in the usual place. Jonathan Locke
update Changed property to to match upcoming changes. Jonathan Locke
update Changed Reques tCycle.setPage() - > RequestCycle.setResponsePage(). Jonathan Locke
update Added isVersioned boolean to Component. Any child of a Component that is not versioned is not versioned itself. So if you setVersioned(false) on a Page, then no component on that Page will be versioned. Fixed various problems with undoing and tested it a little with Guestbook, which was broken and is now fixed. Added setVersioned(false) to FeedbackPanel's listview so that no listview components will ever be versioned. Made internalX pattern consistent in the framework. Added RequestCycle factory method to WebApplication. Moved static method for creating/attaching sessions from WebSession to WebApplication. Added a notion of Charset to AbstractResource and then used this to implement asString(). Added Component.remove(). Jonathan Locke
update Added the first portion of our framework for doing page versioning, including the IPageVersionManager interface and calls into that from MarkupContainer, Component and elsewhere. Removed all render count functionality and reworked the code to check component renderings as a debug-only Set in Page. Also made more structural changes to onX() handlers so that all internal handlers are onInternalX() now, meaning that user code does not have to call super.onX() ever to have the core functionality work. There are now user methods for each lifecycle event that the user might care about. These are called in the following order: Page.onBeginRequest(), Component.onBeginRender(), Component.onRender(), Component.onEndRender(), Page.onEndRequest(). Component.onModelChanged() is called when a component's model is changed. This is detected when Component.setModel() or Component.setModelObject() are called. If a Component's model is changed by the programmer and they wish to let the framework know that a model change happened, they can call Component.modelChanged() directly. Jonathan Locke
update Straightened out resource serialization issues. IResource is now serializable and all subclasses need to implement serialization semantics, which is done for all core components now. In particular, all DynamicImageResources now have transient input streams that are recreated using the subclass' image data. The only non-transient image resource is BufferedDynamicImageResource, which rightly has image data that it serializes. Also fixed problems with lastModified timestamps. Jonathan Locke
update Tightened up semantics of rendering/response overrides, which were much too loose. You can no longer override render() because that method is now final. You can change the rendering process by overriding onRender(). You can do something before rendering by overriding onBeginRender(). You can do something after rendering by overriding onEndRender(). And you can do something like invalidate the session on sign-out by overriding Page.onEndRequest(). It is not necessary to call the super implementation on Component, MarkupContainer or Page. These are now coded defensively, assuming programmers will forget to do this. The only place where you might actually need to do this with a core component would be if you subclassed FeedbackPanel, which overrides onEndRender() to clear out its message components... which makes me wonder if we don't need an auto-reset feature on ListViews... Jonathan Locke
update Changed clustering code so that PageState records are saved as independent attributes. This should permit correct failover. Jonathan Locke
update Added onBeginRender() and onEndRender() methods to Page as appropriate places to put code instead of overriding render() and calling super.render(), which is unadvisable. Refactored WicketServlet, RequestCycle, Session, WebRequestCycle and WebSession all somewhat to support clustering. These changes should affect nobody at the moment ex cept that they may break clustering (I have no way to test it right now). Jonathan Locke
update Removed constructor overloads taking OGNL expressions and Serializable objects, reducing parameters to (String name) and (String name, IModel model) in most places. Made FormComponent and Component look in Form and Page, respectively, for models in their implementations of initModel(). This effectively gives any component missing a model either the parent form's model or the page's model. Made setModel() public again since it's too inconvenient to pass models straight up the constructor chain. So now Forms and Pages can have CompoundPropertyModels and BoundCompoundPropertyModels and their children will essentially inherit this compound model (which is parameterized by component). Since Pages and Forms will typically hold CompoundPropertyModels, it was necessary to make a method getRootModel() which gets the rootmost nested model from the compound model. This is convenient because it means that Forms do not have to have a separate instance variable to track the actual bean being edited. If getRootModel() did not exist, getModelObject() on the Form or Page would fail because the model would be parameterized on the Form or Page itself. Jonathan Locke

Release 0.9.19-beta - 2005-03-04

update Introduced Loop component that can be used in cases where you just want to create a number of components without having the need for a real model. Juergen Donnerstag
update Updated all dependencies to be the same, and not to use proprietary Jars (JTA) Thanks to Cameron Braid . Martijn Dashorst
update Changed IModel signature to allow models to be parameterized on the requesting Component. Made minor enhancements to AbstractDetachableModel and invented AbstractReadOnlyDetachableModel. Created an abstract base class, AbstractPropertyModel, for all property models dealing with OGNL expressions and type conversions. Implemented the current PropertyModel functionality using this base class. Implemented CompoundPropertyModel to take advantage of the Component parmeter in IModel. Then implemented a fully bindable BoundCompoundPropertyModel class as a subclass of that. Jonathan Locke
update Generalized IValidationFeedback interface to IFeedback to deal with all kinds of feedback. Then added logic to Page, so that you can set a feedback for the page. If you do this, any messages added to the page using the usual error(), info() etc methods, will be displayed in this feedback. Fixes 1153227. Jonathan Locke
fix Reworked RadioChoice as a much simpler subclass of AbstractChoice that is much more compatible with other choice components. Also fixed remaining bugs in form repopulation / validation and tested using Library application. Fixes 1153916. Jonathan Locke
fix Finished working on invalid input problems and model problems in choices. The result is a reworked choice model in a new model sub-package of form (which makes it a lot easier to read the form components in the form package). In addition, this checkin includes significant fixes to the wicket.model package, the most important of which is the elimination of DetachableModel, in favor of typesafe and simple usage patterns in AbstractDetachableModel. Fixes 1153047. Jonathan Locke
update Folded IDetachableModel methods into IModel to eliminate instanceof checks and make models more automatic. Jonathan Locke
fix Moved invalid input state logic up into FormComponent and changed form validation logic so that updates to the model only occur when validation of the whole form is successful. This works for textfields now, but we may need to tweak other compo nents so they track invalid state during failed validations. Fixes 1153047. Jonathan Locke
update Factored out AbstractDetachableModel so that attach/detach logic is encapsulated here and DetachableModel extends it for models with a transient Object property and PropertyModel extends it for models with an OGNL nature which might have nested detachable models. Jonathan Locke
fix Removed all the convenience stuff in order to get a better focus. Added FileInput that correspons to the HTML file input tag and that updates it's model with the FileItem commons-fileupload provides. Fixes 1149610. Eelco Hillenius
update Removed OnClickLink; onclick JS event handler generation is now supported for all link components. Also removed AbstractLink as there is no good reason to have that anymore, and Link seems the best base class. When a link is attached to an anchor ('a' tag), we'll generate the href attribute. In all other cases (e.g. if it is attached to a 'td' tag, we will generate the onclick attribute). Fixes 1152615. Eelco Hillenius
fix Changed DropDownChoice so that you simply return true from wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() in your subclass and you get calls to onSelectionChanged() via the javascript. The default implementation of wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() returns false, so this eliminates round trips for dropdowns that don't explicitly enable this feature. Fixes 1151765. Jonathan Locke
fix Added onRendered() method and reset() and onReset() methods to help with lifecycle problems that were causing problems with feedback panels not resetting properly. This was a pretty intricate and difficult bug to fix because the obvious code to put in onReset to clear feedback messages would include calling modelChangedStructure() on the listview. Unfortunately, this method does not work after rendering has finished bec ause the staleness checks assume it is being called /before/ rendering (which it always is when users call it). The solution was to call removeAll() in FeedbackPanel instead. This causes the panel to repopulate, but without any staleness checking. Also documented why WebPage.getMarkupType() is final and what you would do if you wanted to implement a new markup type. Fixed a serious stack overflow error in setModel where modelChanged() was being called when the model hadn't changed. And made the listview constructors typesafe (the Serializable ones are ambiguous and incorrect). Fixes 1152595. Jonathan Locke
fix Made setModel() private and added initModel() method for lazy initialization of models in components that cannot set a model in their constructor. Used initModel to rework ListItem class and PageableListViewNavigation. Other minor tweaks and major refactor of hangman example. Fixes 1151982. Jonathan Locke
fix Added modelChanged() method to Component which is called when setModel() or setModelObject() are called. This method calls onModelChanged() to allow subclasses to respond to model changes. Changed Form to handle onModelChanged() by calling the onModelChanged() method of each contained FormComponent that uses the same root model as the form, as determined by the new sameRootModel() method in Component (which uses the INestedModel interface to look inside compound models such as PropertyModel and StringResourceModel to find the root model). The call to FormComponent.onModelChanged() resets any invalid state information from user editing since the model must now be correct by definition. For example, AbstractTextComponent overrides onModelChanged() and calls onValid() to reset its invalidInput memory. Fixes 1151403. Jonathan Locke
fix Added automatic image buttons (as demonstrated in FormInput example now) as well as automatic images. Each can generate an image using an image factory based on the value of the component's tag's value attribute. If the value is set to [factoryName ] .label, the given label will be drawn with the given ImageResourceFactory. The LocalizedImageResource class handles all this as well as localization issues with images attached to components. By default, only DefaultButtonImageFactory() is registered via LocalizedImageResource.add(ImageResourceFactory). The default button image factory has the name 'button', which means that any image or image button component that specifies a value of "button.[label ] " will result in a DefaultButtonImage with the given label drawn on it. In addition to these improvements, the ImageResourceFactory base class adds automatic caching of images it creates via a WeakHashMap. Fixes 1144885. Jonathan Locke
fix Restructured form validation so that feedback is updated for the whole form on success or failure. Fixed additional bug where the form itself was not being considered by the feedback messages model as a place that might be the source of messages. These two changes together fix the bug. Fixes 1150668. Jonathan Locke
update Refactored and simplified form validation. Added CustomValidator and removed a lot of unnecessary code and complexity. Jonathan Locke
fix When core calls onClick() it automatically causes redirection to prevent repeating of the action on browser refreshes. Fixes 1149604. Jonathan Locke
fix Refactored feedback messages code and added a Form parameter to IValidationFeedback which is used by FeedbackPanel to restrict its output to just the Form being validated. This effectively gives us per-form feedback panels again. Fixes 1149566. Jonathan Locke
fix Created MultipartWebRequest class and used that to rework AbstractUploadForm and FileUploadForm so that validation will work on upload forms. Fixes 1138665. Jonathan Locke
update Simplified choices so they just have a single is/setNullValid() property. When null is valid, the [name ] .null string resource is loaded and used. When null is not valid and the selection is null, [name ] .null is loaded and used to display something like "Choose One", since a null selection is not valid. Jonathan Locke
update Added relative and absolute path functionality to StaticImage, and in the process, factored out Packages from Classes in wicket.util.lang. Jonathan Locke
fix Refactored resource locator code, creating a new package wicket.util.resource.locator which contains an SPI interface, IResourceLocator, for implementing resource locators. Then created AbstractResourceLocator as a base class for IResourceLocator implementations, including the new PathResourceLocator and ClassLoaderResourceLocator. Finally, created a helper/wrapper class ResourceLocator which adds convenience methods and then extended that class with DefaultResourceLocator, which extends ResourceLocator and uses PathResourceLocator and ClassLoaderResourceLocator together to emulate the earlier resource location functionality. Fixes 1145200. Jonathan Locke

Release 0.9.18-beta - 2005-02-20

update Enhanced WicketComponentTree and added this diagnostic to the bottom of the ExceptionErrorPage. Jonathan Locke
update Reorganized components and examples for final 1.0 structure. This included moving sortable list view and sign in panel to wicket-contrib and SmartLinkLabel classes to wicket-extensions. Also moved ButtonImageResource to wicket-extensions. In the process, fixed a bug in localized images where they would not change when the session locale was changed. Added an early sketch of stylesheet stuff to sandbox. Trimmed down examples in dex to just the examples most relevant to wicket core and extensions. Jonathan Locke
fix Added emptyAllowedto the AbstractChoiceclass allowing the select components to set the model value to null. Fixes 1123536. Martijn Dashorst
fix Changed selected attribute to selected = "selected" to be XHTML compliant. Added ComponentTag.syntheticCloseTagString() method which returns a close tag for the given component tag. Changed Juergen's fix to Panel use this method and then added another call to the same method to renderClosingComponentTag, which had been ignoring generation of close tags on /all/ openclose tags. This problem was actually a bug in HelloWorld, if you changed the < span > tag to a < span/ > tag! Fixes 1120137. Eelco Hillenius
update Moved tree to contrib until packaged CSS is supported. Eelco Hillenius
update Tree now images instead of image names and attribute modifiers. Also, some default images that work well with a regular tree are pacakged and used by default. Eelco Hillenius
update The tree component is now greatly simplified. Users are not required to use unique user objects, but instead the tree nodes are used. Also, as a result of a different rendering strategy, normal links can be used. The IndentTree is now the default tree. Removed the nested tree as that tree had several usability issues. Eelco Hillenius
fix Fixed JavaScript issue that resulted in problems with Firefox. Eelco Hillenius
update Major refactor of resource handling to separate resource referencing components from the actual resources themselves. Added new Resource base class in wicket top level package. WebResource extends this and AbstractImage exte nds that. the Image subclass of AbstractImage is the only component for now. It can be either attached to an IMG tag with a src attribute or it can be given a DynamicImageResource and it will draw that. Jonathan Locke
update Changed methods taking Resource as a parameter to IResource for increased generality. Then added IModifiable interface to IResource to ensure all resources have a last modified time. This will be key in getting browser caching to work correctly. Finally, created AbstractResource and subclasses FileResource and UrlResource and moved the static Resource.locate methods into ResourceLocator. Jonathan Locke
update Made Link.onLinkClicked() final and added an onClick() method that it calls. This avoids exposing the interface method to subclassing directly. Did a similar thing to Form by making onFormSubmitted() final and exposing onValidate() as the overridable method. Also did a little early refactoring of resources that should affect nobody. Jonathan Locke
fix The getResource() method in Image now uses the new findParentWithAssociatedMarkup() method to find the nearest parent with associated markup, which it then uses as the base class for image loading. This should always be right for Images since they are referenced from markup and findParentWithAssociatedMarkup() should always find that markup. Fixes 1121946. Jonathan Locke
fix Added ResourceComponent base class for components that provide resources by implementing IResourceListener. There doesn't appear to be an easy way to generalize this to Pages since they inherit from Component and since their behavior is quite different. Also changed IResource.getExtension() to getContentType() and changed the implementation of this interface in Resource to use the JDK's FileNameMap class to map from filenames to mime types. Fixes 1121959. Jonathan Locke
update Renamed handleX() methods and other events to conform to the onX() pattern. Jonathan Locke
add Added ButtonImage DynamicImage subclass and added to images example. Jonathan Locke
add Added Button class and Form buttons support. When a class has one button, it works pretty much as before. But when it has two or more buttons, the onSubmit() handler is called on the button which submitted the Form. Fixes 1119620. Jonathan Locke
add Added getSharing() method to Component with values UNSHARED, APPLICATION_SHARED and SESSION_SHARED (see javadoc for details). Changed the AbstractImage class so that it allows a component user to set the sharing mode for an image to one of these values. When an image is SESSION_SHARED, it will have a stable URL within a given session. When an image is APPLICATION_SHARED, it will have a stable URL across all sessions in an application. So, to implement a really efficient dynamic image, simply store the image component in a static variable and set its sharing to APPLICATION_SHARED. Now you will have one object that is shared everywhere that has a stable URL. None of this requires access to temporary storage. One catch that might come up is that shared components will have a URL like /applicationName/a0 for application shared components or /applicationName/s0 for session shared components. In order for an application to handle such URLs it must have a servlet url mapping pattern that includes /* on the end, such as /images/*. Also updated image example to demonstrate all this. Jonathan Locke
update Created AbstractImage base class and simplified code in Image. Jonathan Locke
fix Changed DefaultPageFactory so that it always tries default constructor if PageParameters constructor cannot be found and one exists. Fixes 1119725. Jonathan Locke
update Restructed image component hierarchy to deal with clustering issues that Chris brought up. Changed example to demonstrate both BufferedDynamicImages (which will have a potentially large size when replicated across a cluster) and DynamicImages which draw themselves when they are requested. Caching issues are not addressed by this change, but I will be working on that soon. Jonathan Locke
fix Restructured class hierarchy for converters a little so that all integral converters such as IntegerConverter extend AbstractIntegerConverter. Then made getNumberFormat() in AbstractNumberConverter abstract and implemented it in AbstractIntegerConverter by creating an integer NumberFormat instance and then turning grouping off and integer-only on. I like this fix because it really respects i18n, which is sometimes very complex stuff. Fixes 1119560. Jonathan Locke
update Changed HtmlPage to WebPage, HtmlContainer to WebContainer and HtmlComponent to WebComponent for friendliness and consistency with http protocol package. Jonathan Locke
update Added constructors to TextField that take a class as the last argument. TextFields constructed with a type like this are considered typed and will automatically have a type validator attached to them. In addition, even if the field is not attached to a PropertyModel, conversions will be performed to/from the given type. Also, changed invalid to handleInvalid() and added handleValid(). This allows updateModel() to simply focus on doing that. Finally, worked on forminput to ensure validation works completely. Renamed the horribly named DecimalValidator to IntegerValidator and used all of this to simplify the forminput example. Jonathan Locke
update Changed inheritance hierarchy of text form components and added an abstract base class AbstractTextComponent. Now PasswordTextField inherits f rom TextField and TextField inherits from AbstractTextComponent. TextArea also inherits from AbstractTextComponent. This restructuing got rid of some duplication of methods and fields among the text components. Jonathan Locke
fix Reworked conversion code to deal with the fact that the java.text Format parsing parses /leading/ values and not complete values. In other words, it sees 10foo and parses an Integer without throwing an Exception. The resulting code is smaller, more efficient (since it doesn't rely on exceptions to signal bad parses) and better structured. Also changed the ConversionException class so that it stores the Format used for the conversion instead of just a String 'pattern'. Fixes 1118466. Jonathan Locke
fix Fixed problem with autolink component resolver where it would continually resolve the same links on every render. The solution is to set the component's name when the auto-id is generated so that it can be found in the container the next time (so the resolver doesn't get called again). Also moved the AutolinkComponentResolver class into markup.html since it is html specific. Fixes 1118784. Jonathan Locke
fix The Component.getModelLock() method was changed to respond more appropriately when a real model doesn't exist. The code now returns model (without attaching it) if model is non-null and new Object() as a dummy lock if model is null. Fixes 1118413. Jonathan Locke
fix Fix for unreported synchronization bug in ModificationWatcher where a ConcurrentModificationException can be thrown if the entries to be watched are modified while polling is going on (which takes a while). The solution was to make a defensive copy rather than holding a lock since that might introduce liveness issues since iterating the list of files and checking all their timestamps might take a while. Jonathan Locke
update Reworked signin panel and signin examples, including the library example so that they work with the new session factory model. Also added remember me functionality to the signin panel and moved localizations of the signin panel into the core. Jonathan Locke
fix Added Page.reset() method that is called when runtime exceptions prevent full rendering of pages. I highly suspect this is behind bug 1116800 where Eelco reported that "Exception when rendering leaves markup in invalid state". Fixes 1116800. Jonathan Locke
fix Added BufferedHttpResponse class, along with ApplicationSettings.setBufferResponse to enable response buffering. Response buffering is on by default. Fixes 1116805. Jonathan Locke
update Added ISessionFactory interface for creating sessions and added an abstract method getSessionFactory() to Application so applications can implement their own session factories. Since the downcasting of getProperty() is obviated by this, removed session properties. Will add a FAQ entry on how to set values on a session using the session factory approach since this will come up /a lot/. Jonathan Locke
remove Removed IModel constructors throughout the project and added instanceof logic to Component to wrap model objects unless they are already IModel implementors. Updated documentation to reflect this. Jonathan Locke
fix Implemented getModelLock() method on Component so that client code can synchronize updates to the model for a component. Updated core code so that it synchronizes on the returned lock object (which is currently the model's object as returned by IModel.getObject()) during rendering and form model updating. This lack of synchronization was a bug in the guestbook application which never showed symptoms simply because it had never been used by many users at once. Jonathan Locke
update Reworked examples navigation. Worked on code for GuestBook and GuestBook2. Provided base classes for future examples to extend (WicketExampleApplication, WicketExamplePage). Jonathan Locke
update Reworked feedback messages code significantly including the FeedbackMessages container class. Removed all the thread-local code and put feedback messages into Page instead. Added info(), debug(), warning(), error() and fatal() convenience methods to Component which report messages via the Page's FeedbackMessages container object. Jonathan Locke
update Wrote a new persistence abstraction that is more abstract and free of Cookieness (IValuePersister). Implemented this interface using browser cookies in the new class CookieValuePersister. Jonathan Locke
update Got rid of ValidationErrorDecorator and other code by doing a major refactor of the form validation package. Jonathan Locke
update Split up ApplicationSettings and ApplicationPages and moved many of the non-settings getters to Application. Jonathan Locke
fix Fixed guestbook test and other problems with example tests. Jonathan Locke
fix Made examples work from http://localhost:8080 via redirecting. Jonathan Locke
fix Created FAQ page and added an explanation of why so many classes and methods are final Fixes 1113613. Jonathan Locke
fix Added comments and refactored renderBody to the more illustrative name renderComponentTagBody. Also changed names throughout the project to match this pattern. Simplified renderComponentTag() by folding in stripComponentName() logic and removed the overload of that method which advances the markup stream in addition to rendering the tag. Fixes 1091897. Jonathan Locke
fix Closed request to make RawMarkup class public since we do not want to expose this implementation detail. Fixes 1092016. Jonathan Locke
fix Changed parser to allow single quotes as well as double quotes around attribute values in XML tags. Fixes 1091288. Jonathan Locke
fix Fixed bug where popups expire due to removeNewerThan call in HttpRequestCycle. Also removed the method itself since it is not used for any other purpose. Fixes 1106563. Jonathan Locke
fix Closed RFE to allow custom object properties on ApplicationSettings since ApplicationSettings is really only for Wicket configuration. To store "global" objects for your application, just put regular old Java properties on your Application subclass. If I'm somehow missing your point, please reopen the bug and explain why subclassing Application won't provide the functionality you need. Fixes 1100078. Jonathan Locke
fix Closed old RFE for license aggregation since we already have the licenses available in the licenses folder in the core. Fixes 1032465. Jonathan Locke
update Major reworking of converter code. Folded localized converters into a single set of converters, removing casts to ILocalizable in the process. Implemented converters for all Java primitive types plus Date, Timestamp and String. Added javadoc documentation for converter API. Refactored Component, TypeValidator and Session code to use the new converter code and to enable customization through overrides of getConverter(). Wrote new tests for converters. Jonathan Locke
update Refactored ComponentTagAttributeModifier and changed name to AttributeModifier. Made more of this class private and removed inappropriate tests of private API. Jonathan Locke
update Re named IIdList - > IDetachableChoiceList and IdListAdaptor - > DetachableChoiceList Jonathan Locke
update Renamed IPageLink.getPageClass() - > IPageLink.getPageIdentity() Jonathan Locke

Release 0.9.17-beta - 2005-01-26

update Moved wicket-examples-hangman into the wicket-examples project. Fixes 1107845. Martijn Dashorst
fix Hangman gives NPE at startup Fixes 1107802. Martijn Dashorst
fix Made 'maven eclipse:generate-classpath' plugin work with eclipse projects. Martijn Dashorst
update Changed the component markup to <wicket:xxxx> Juergen Donnerstag
update Changed the registration of the servlet in web.xml to wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet Jonathan Locke
update Refactored autolinkand borderto match the <wicket:xxxx> component markup Juergen Donnerstag
update Simplified IMarkupParser Jonathan Locke
update Javadoc for several components updated.
update Refactored MarkupParser Juergen Donnerstag
update Refactored and documented:
  • wicket
  • wicket.model
  • wicket.protocol
  • wicket.response
  • wicket.request
  • wicket.util
Jonathan Locke
update Jonathan Locke

Release 0.9.16-beta - 2004-12-26

add Added Spring-framework integration example to Wicket-examples. Juergen Donnerstag
add Added support for dynamic languages like Groovy. An example has been added to wicket-examples. Juergen Donnerstag
fix Javadoc bug in MultiLineLabel. Fixes 1091100. Thanks to Gili . Eelco Hillenius
fix Font bug in paragraph. Fixes 1091101. Thanks to Gili . Eelco Hillenius
fix Quickstart distribution not downloadable Fixes 1091094. Thanks to Gili . Martijn Dashorst
fix Fixed javadoc warning in ApplicationSettings. Martijn Dashorst
fix ListChoice Does not Support 'expression' binding Fixes 1090226. Thanks to Alex Chew. Eelco Hillenius

Release 0.9.15-beta - 2004-12-19

add Create a contrib section (site & cvs) where high level components and other contributions that should not be part of the core can be put. Fixes 1032507. Eelco Hillenius
add Added quickstart project Martijn Dashorst
update Move packages from com.voicetribe.* to wicket.* Fixes 1087152. Eelco Hillenius
add Replaced the default design of a maven generated website with a more pleasing, non standard look and feel. Fixes 1081709. Martijn Dashorst
add Added Clover logo to front page of our website. Fixes 1061782. Martijn Dashorst
add Added support for a configurable character encoding (i18n) for markup files and HTTP response. And added a new example to show how it works. Juergen Donnerstag

Release 0.9.14-alpha - 2004-12-06

add Model for PasswordTextField will now be encrypted for persistence (cookie) Juergen Donnerstag
add Fixed autoIndex bug. AutoIndex numbers are now unique across a whole page. Juergen Donnerstag
add Added lots of new and improved Table features. Examples contain displaytag like demos. Juergen Donnerstag
add signin example now includes a rememberMe functionality Juergen Donnerstag
add Introduced new ComponentTagAttributeModifier class and associated methods as a direct replacement for HtmlTagModifier and its subclasses. Chris Turner
fix Added reset password flag for PasswordTextField in order to support input forms without emptying the contents. Fixes 1072362. Martijn Dashorst
add Implemented multi field validation. Fixes 1072080. Eelco Hillenius
add Implemented support for ui messaging (also used by validation). FeedbackPanel uses this, and is more generic now as well. Eelco Hillenius
add Introduced ListView for lists (former Tables) that do not use paging. Table supports paging. Juergen Donnerstag
fix Fixed bug that resulted in random session timeouts. Eelco Hillenius

Release 0.9.13-alpha - 25-10-2004

add Converted confluence documentation to xdocs. Martijn Dashorst