Uses of Class

Packages that use Border
wicket.markup.html.border Border components. 
wicket.markup.html.form.validation Support for form validation. 

Uses of Border in wicket.markup.html.border

Subclasses of Border in wicket.markup.html.border
 class BoxBorder
          A very simple border component that draws a thin black line around its children.

Methods in wicket.markup.html.border that return Border
 Border Border.setBorderBodyVisible(boolean bodyVisible)
          When this method is called with a false value the components and raw markup that this border wraps will not be rendered.
 Border Border.setTransparentResolver(boolean transparentResolver)
          Borders used for bordered pages should set it to "true".

Uses of Border in wicket.markup.html.form.validation

Subclasses of Border in wicket.markup.html.form.validation
 class FormComponentFeedbackBorder
          A border that can be placed around a form component to indicate when the bordered child/children has a validation error.

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