Uses of Class

Packages that use MarkupStream
wicket The core Wicket package. 
wicket.markup Base package for markup. 
wicket.markup.html Base package of HTML markup. 
wicket.markup.html.basic Basic HTML components. 
wicket.markup.html.border Border components. 
wicket.markup.html.form HTML Forms and form components. 
wicket.markup.html.image Image components. 
wicket.markup.html.include Components for including content from non-Wicket sources. 
wicket.markup.html.internal Link components. 
wicket.markup.html.list List components for tabular data and such. 
wicket.markup.html.panel Panel components. 
wicket.markup.resolver Resolvers implement the IComponentResolver interface and must be registered with the application. 
wicket.markup.transformer Transformers are able to post-process (transform) the output generated by a Component. 

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket

Methods in wicket that return MarkupStream
protected  MarkupStream MarkupContainer.findMarkupStream()
          Get the markup stream for this component.
protected  MarkupStream Component.findMarkupStream()
          Finds the markup stream for this component.
 MarkupStream MarkupContainer.getAssociatedMarkupStream(boolean throwException)
          Gets a fresh markup stream that contains the (immutable) markup resource for this class.
 MarkupStream MarkupContainer.getMarkupStream()
          Get the markup stream set on this container.

Methods in wicket with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void MarkupContainer.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          Handle the container's body.
protected  void Component.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          Processes the body.
protected  void Page.onRender(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Renders this container to the given response object.
protected  void MarkupContainer.onRender(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Renders this component.
protected abstract  void Component.onRender(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Implementation that renders this component.
 void Component.render(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Performs a render of this component as part of a Page level render process.
protected  void MarkupContainer.renderAll(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Renders this component and all sub-components using the given markup stream.
 void Component.renderComponent(MarkupStream markupStream)
protected  void MarkupContainer.renderComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          Renders markup for the body of a ComponentTag from the current position in the given markup stream.
protected  void Component.replaceComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag, java.lang.CharSequence body)
          Replaces the body with the given one.
protected  void MarkupContainer.setMarkupStream(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Set markup stream for this container.
protected  void Component.setMarkupStream(MarkupStream markupStream)
          The markup stream will be assigned to the component at the beginning of the component render phase.

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup

Methods in wicket.markup that return MarkupStream
 MarkupStream MarkupException.getMarkupStream()
 MarkupStream MarkupCache.getMarkupStream(MarkupContainer container)
          Gets a fresh markup stream that contains the (immutable) markup resource for this class.
 MarkupStream MarkupCache.getMarkupStream(MarkupContainer container, boolean throwException)
          Gets a fresh markup stream that contains the (immutable) markup resource for this class.

Methods in wicket.markup with parameters of type MarkupStream
 boolean MarkupStream.equalMarkup(MarkupStream markupStream)
          True, if associate markup is the same.
 void MarkupException.setMarkupStream(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Set the markup stream which caused the exception

Constructors in wicket.markup with parameters of type MarkupStream
MarkupException(MarkupStream markupStream, java.lang.String message)
MarkupException(MarkupStream markupStream, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.html

Methods in wicket.markup.html with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void WebComponent.onRender(MarkupStream markupStream)
 boolean WebMarkupContainerWithAssociatedMarkup.HeaderPartContainer.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
 void WebMarkupContainerWithAssociatedMarkup.HeaderPartContainer.setMyMarkupStream(MarkupStream markupStream)

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.html.basic

Methods in wicket.markup.html.basic with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void MultiLineLabel.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
protected  void Label.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.html.border

Methods in wicket.markup.html.border with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void Border.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          Render the tag body
 void Border.renderBodyComponent(MarkupStream markupStream, WicketTag wtag)
          Render the wicket:body and all what is in it.
protected  ComponentTag Border.renderBodyComponentTag(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Render the wicket:body tag
 void Border.renderBodyComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Render the wicket:body tag
 boolean Border.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Border makes use of a <wicket:body> tag to identify the position to insert within the border's body.

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.html.form

Methods in wicket.markup.html.form with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void Form.appendDefaultButtonField(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          If a default button was set on this form, this method will be called to render an extra field with an invisible style so that pressing enter in one of the textfields will do a form submit using this button.
protected  void TextArea.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          Handle the container's body.
protected  void SimpleFormComponentLabel.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
protected  void RadioChoice.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
protected  void Form.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          Append an additional hidden input tag to support anchor tags that can submit a form.
protected  void CheckBoxMultipleChoice.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
protected  void Form.onRender(MarkupStream markupStream)

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.html.image

Methods in wicket.markup.html.image with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void Image.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.html.include

Methods in wicket.markup.html.include with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void Include.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.html.internal

Methods in wicket.markup.html.internal with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void HtmlHeaderContainer.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          First render the body of the component.

Uses of MarkupStream in

Methods in with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void Link.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          Renders this link's body.
protected  void ExternalLink.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
          Handle the container's body.
protected  void ImageMap.onRender(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Renders this component.

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.html.list

Methods in wicket.markup.html.list with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void Loop.onRender(MarkupStream markupStream)
protected  void ListView.onRender(MarkupStream markupStream)

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.html.panel

Methods in wicket.markup.html.panel that return MarkupStream
protected  MarkupStream Fragment.chooseMarkupStream(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Get the markup stream which shall be used to search for the fragment

Methods in wicket.markup.html.panel with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  MarkupStream Fragment.chooseMarkupStream(MarkupStream markupStream)
          Get the markup stream which shall be used to search for the fragment
protected  void Panel.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
protected  void Fragment.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.resolver

Methods in wicket.markup.resolver with parameters of type MarkupStream
 boolean WicketMessageResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean WicketLinkResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean ScopedComponentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
 boolean ParentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean MarkupInheritanceResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
 boolean IComponentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean HtmlHeaderResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean FragmentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
 boolean AutoLinkResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Automatically creates a BookmarkablePageLink component.
 boolean AutoComponentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)

Uses of MarkupStream in wicket.markup.transformer

Methods in wicket.markup.transformer with parameters of type MarkupStream
protected  void AbstractOutputTransformerContainer.onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)
protected  void AbstractOutputTransformerContainer.onRender(MarkupStream markupStream)

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