Uses of Class

Packages that use MarkupContainer
wicket The core Wicket package. 
wicket.ajax.markup.html.navigation.paging Classes related to showing user feedback, generally as the result of form submission and/or validation. 
wicket.markup Base package for markup. 
wicket.markup.html Base package of HTML markup. 
wicket.markup.html.border Border components. 
wicket.markup.html.form HTML Forms and form components. 
wicket.markup.html.form.upload Support for upload forms (using multipart requests). 
wicket.markup.html.form.validation Support for form validation. 
wicket.markup.html.internal Link components. 
wicket.markup.html.list List components for tabular data and such. 
wicket.markup.html.pages Default special purpose pages for error and feedback support. 
wicket.markup.html.panel Panel components. 
wicket.markup.html.resources Support classes for HTML specific resources. 
wicket.markup.html.tree Package for Tree components. 
wicket.markup.resolver Resolvers implement the IComponentResolver interface and must be registered with the application. 
wicket.markup.transformer Transformers are able to post-process (transform) the output generated by a Component. 
wicket.protocol.http.portlet Wicket interface to the JSR-168 portlet API. 
wicket.util.tester A package with utility classes to ease unit testing of Wicket applications without the need for a servlet container. 

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket
 class Page
          Abstract base class for pages.

Methods in wicket that return MarkupContainer
 MarkupContainer MarkupContainer.add(Component child)
          Adds a child component to this container.
 MarkupContainer Component.findParent(java.lang.Class c)
          Finds the first container parent of this component of the given class.
 MarkupContainer Component.findParentWithAssociatedMarkup()
 MarkupContainer Component.getParent()
          Gets any parent container, or null if there is none.
 MarkupContainer MarkupContainer.replace(Component child)
          Replaces a child component of this container with another

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.ajax.markup.html

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.ajax.markup.html
 class AjaxFallbackLink
          An ajax link that will degrade to a normal request if ajax is not available or javascript is disabled
 class AjaxLink
          A component that allows a trigger request to be triggered via html anchor tag

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.ajax.markup.html.form

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.ajax.markup.html.form
 class AjaxCheckBox
          A CheckBox which is updated via ajax when the user changes its value
 class AjaxSubmitLink
          A link that submits a form via ajax.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.ajax.markup.html.navigation.paging

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.ajax.markup.html.navigation.paging
 class AjaxPagingNavigation
          An ajaxified navigation for a PageableListView that holds links to other pages of the PageableListView.
 class AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink
          An incremental Ajaxian link to a page of a PageableListView.
 class AjaxPagingNavigationLink
          An Ajax version of a link to a page of a PageableListView.
 class AjaxPagingNavigator
          A Wicket panel component to draw and maintain a complete page navigator, meant to be easily added to any PageableListView.

Uses of MarkupContainer in

Constructors in with parameters of type MarkupContainer
ContainerFeedbackMessageFilter(MarkupContainer container)

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup

Methods in wicket.markup with parameters of type MarkupContainer
 MarkupStream MarkupCache.getMarkupStream(MarkupContainer container)
          Gets a fresh markup stream that contains the (immutable) markup resource for this class.
 MarkupStream MarkupCache.getMarkupStream(MarkupContainer container, boolean throwException)
          Gets a fresh markup stream that contains the (immutable) markup resource for this class.
 boolean MarkupCache.hasAssociatedMarkup(MarkupContainer container)
          Check if container has associated markup

Constructors in wicket.markup with parameters of type MarkupContainer
ContainerInfo(MarkupContainer container)

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html
 class WebMarkupContainer
          A container of HTML markup and components.
 class WebMarkupContainerWithAssociatedMarkup
static class WebMarkupContainerWithAssociatedMarkup.HeaderPartContainer
          For each wicket:head tag a HeaderPartContainer is created and added to the HtmlHeaderContainer which has been added to the Page.
 class WebPage
          Base class for HTML pages.

Methods in wicket.markup.html with parameters of type MarkupContainer
 boolean WebMarkupContainerWithAssociatedMarkup.HeaderPartContainer.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)

Constructors in wicket.markup.html with parameters of type MarkupContainer
WebMarkupContainerWithAssociatedMarkup.HeaderPartContainer(java.lang.String id, MarkupContainer container, java.lang.String scope)

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.border

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.border
 class Border
          A border component has associated markup which is drawn and determines placement of any markup and/or components nested within the border component.
 class BoxBorder
          A very simple border component that draws a thin black line around its children.

Methods in wicket.markup.html.border with parameters of type MarkupContainer
 boolean Border.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Border makes use of a <wicket:body> tag to identify the position to insert within the border's body.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.debug

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.debug
 class PageView
          This is a simple Wicket component that displays all components of a Page in a table representation.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.form

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.form
 class AbstractTextComponent
          Abstract base class for TextArea and TextField.
 class Button
          A form button.
 class Check
          Component representing a single checkbox choice in a wicket.markup.html.form.CheckGroup.
 class CheckBox
          HTML checkbox input component.
 class CheckBoxMultipleChoice
          A choice subclass that shows choices via checkboxes.
 class CheckGroup
          Component used to connect instances of Check components into a group.
 class CheckGroupSelector
          Selects and unselects all Check components under the same CheckGroup as itself.
 class DropDownChoice
          A choice implemented as a dropdown menu/list.
 class Form
          Base class for forms.
 class FormComponent
          An HTML form component knows how to validate itself.
 class FormComponentLabel
          A component that represents html label tag.
 class HiddenField
          TextField doesn't permit the html so this is a simple subclass to allow this A HiddenField is useful when you have a javascript based component that updates the form state.
 class ImageButton
          A button which renders itself as an image button resource.
 class ListChoice
          Essentially a drop down choice that doesn't drop down.
 class ListMultipleChoice
          A multiple choice list component.
 class PasswordTextField
          A password text field component.
 class Radio
          Component representing a single radio choice in a wicket.markup.html.form.RadioGroup.
 class RadioChoice
          A choice subclass that shows choices in radio style.
 class RadioGroup
          Component used to connect instances of Radio components into a group.
 class RequiredTextField
          A text field which automatically adds a RequiredValidator.
 class SimpleFormComponentLabel
          A form component label that replaces its body with the contents of FormComponent.getLabel()
 class SubmitLink
          A link which can be used exactly like a Button to submit a Form.
 class TextArea
          Multi-row text editing component.
 class TextField
          A simple text field.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.form.upload

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.form.upload
 class FileUploadField
          Form component that corresponds to a <input type="file">.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.form.validation

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.form.validation
 class FormComponentFeedbackBorder
          A border that can be placed around a form component to indicate when the bordered child/children has a validation error.
 class FormComponentFeedbackIndicator
          A panel that hides or shows itself depending on whether there are feedback messages for a given message filter.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.internal

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.internal
 class HtmlBodyContainer
          This is basically a transparent WebMarkupContainer with the ability to get the markup stream positioned correctly where the component begins from the parent (page) container.
 class HtmlHeaderContainer
          The HtmlHeaderContainer is automatically created and added to the component hierarchy by a HtmlHeaderResolver instance.

Uses of MarkupContainer in

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in
 class BookmarkablePageLink
          Renders a stable link which can be cached in a web browser and used at a later time.
 class DownloadLink
          A link that streams a file to the client.
 class ExternalLink
          A simple anchor link (<a href="http://url">) pointing to any URL.
 class ImageMap
          An image map holds links with different hot-area shapes.
 class InlineFrame
          Implementation of an inline frame component.
 class InternalFrame
          Deprecated. will be replaced by InlineFrame in Wicket 2.0 as that's a better name for it.
 class Link
          Implementation of a hyperlink component.
 class PageLink
          Links to a given page via an object implementing the IPageLink delayed linking interface.
 class PopupCloseLink
          Closes a popup window and cleans up any related session page map for the popup.
static class PopupCloseLink.ClosePopupPage
          ClosePopupPage closes the popup window.
 class ResourceLink
          A link to any ResourceReference.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.list

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.list
 class ListItem
          Container that holds components in a ListView.
 class ListView
          A ListView holds ListItem children.
 class Loop
          A very simple loop component whose model is an Integer defining the number of iterations the loop should render.
static class Loop.LoopItem
          Item container for a Loop iteration.
 class PageableListView
          PageableListView is similar to ListView but provides in addition pageable views.
 class PropertyListView
          Simple ListVew subclass that wraps its item models in a BoundCompoundPropertyModel.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging
 class PagingNavigation
          A navigation for a PageableListView that holds links to other pages of the PageableListView.
 class PagingNavigationIncrementLink
          An incremental link to a page of a PageableListView.
 class PagingNavigationLink
          A link to a page of a PageableListView.
 class PagingNavigator
          A Wicket panel component to draw and maintain a complete page navigator, meant to be easily added to any PageableListView.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.pages

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.pages
 class AccessDeniedPage
          Page expired error page.
 class BrowserInfoPage
           This page uses a form post right after the page has loaded in the browser, using JavaScript or alternative means to detect and pass on settings to the embedded form.
 class ExceptionErrorPage
          Shows a runtime exception on a nice HTML page.
 class InternalErrorPage
          Internal error display page.
 class PageExpiredErrorPage
          Page expired error page.
 class RedirectPage
          Page that let the browser redirect.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.panel

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.panel
 class ComponentFeedbackPanel
          Convenience feedback panel that filters the feedback messages based on the component given in the constructor.
 class FeedbackPanel
          A panel that displays FeedbackMessages in a list view.
 class Fragment
          Usually you either have a markup file or a xml tag with wicket:id="myComponent" to associate markup with a component.
 class Panel
          A panel is a reusable component that holds markup and other components.

Constructors in wicket.markup.html.panel with parameters of type MarkupContainer
Fragment(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String markupId, MarkupContainer markupProvider)
Fragment(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String markupId, MarkupContainer markupProvider, IModel model)

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.resources

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.resources
 class JavaScriptReference
          Link to a packaged JavaScript file.
 class PackagedResourceReference
          Base class for components that render references to packaged resources.
 class StyleSheetReference
          Link to a packaged style sheet.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.tree

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.html.tree
 class AbstractTree
          Base component for trees.
 class Tree
          An tree that renders as a flat (not-nested) list, using spacers for indentation and nodes at the end of one row.
static class Tree.DefaultNodePanel
          The default node panel.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.resolver

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.resolver
static class AutoLinkResolver.AutolinkBookmarkablePageLink
          Autolink components delegate component resolution to their parent components.

Methods in wicket.markup.resolver with parameters of type MarkupContainer
 Component AutoLinkResolver.IAutolinkResolverDelegate.newAutoComponent(MarkupContainer container, java.lang.String autoId, AutoLinkResolver.PathInfo pathInfo)
          Returns a new auto component based on the pathInfo object.
protected  Component AutoLinkResolver.AbstractAutolinkResolverDelegate.newPackageResourceReferenceAutoComponent(MarkupContainer container, java.lang.String autoId, AutoLinkResolver.PathInfo pathInfo, java.lang.String attribute)
          Creates a new auto component that references a package resource.
 boolean WicketMessageResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean WicketLinkResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean ScopedComponentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
 boolean ParentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean MarkupInheritanceResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
 boolean IComponentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean HtmlHeaderResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Try to resolve the tag, then create a component, add it to the container and render it.
 boolean FragmentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
 boolean AutoLinkResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)
          Automatically creates a BookmarkablePageLink component.
 boolean AutoComponentResolver.resolve(MarkupContainer container, MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag tag)

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.transformer

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.markup.transformer
 class AbstractOutputTransformerContainer
          This abstract container provides the means to post-process the markup generated by its child components (excluding the containers tag)
 class NoopOutputTransformerContainer
          An implementation of an output transformer which does nothing.
 class XsltOutputTransformerContainer
          A container which output markup will be processes by a XSLT processor prior to writing the output into the web response.

Methods in wicket.markup.transformer that return MarkupContainer
 MarkupContainer AbstractOutputTransformerContainer.setTransformBodyOnly(boolean value)
          You can choose whether the body of the tag excluding the tag shall be transformed or including the tag.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.protocol.http.portlet

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.protocol.http.portlet
 class PortletPage
          Base class for portlet pages.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.protocol.http.portlet.pages

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.protocol.http.portlet.pages
 class AccessDeniedPortletPage
          Access denied portlet page
 class ExceptionErrorPortletPage
          Exception error portlet page
 class InternalErrorPortletPage
          Internal error portlet page
 class PageExpiredPortletPage
          Page expired error page.

Uses of MarkupContainer in wicket.util.tester

Subclasses of MarkupContainer in wicket.util.tester
 class DummyHomePage
          A dummy homepage required by WicketTester only
 class DummyHomePage.TestLink
 class DummyPanelPage
          A dummy panel component

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