Package wicket.behavior

Interface Summary
IBehavior Behaviors are kind of plug-ins for Components.
IBehaviorListener Listens for requests to behaviors.
IUnversionedBehaviorListener Same as IBehaviorListener, but urls generated for this interface will always be executed against the latest page version.

Class Summary
AbstractAjaxBehavior Abstract class for handling Ajax roundtrips.
AbstractBehavior Adapter implementation of IBehavior.
AbstractHeaderContributor Behaviour that delegates header contribution to a number of other contributors.
AttributeAppender AttributeModifier that appends the given value, rather than replace it.
HeaderContributor A AbstractHeaderContributor behavior that is specialized on package resources.
HeaderContributor.CSSHeaderContributor Contributes a reference to a css file relative to the context path.
HeaderContributor.CSSReferenceHeaderContributor prints a css resource reference.
HeaderContributor.JavaScriptHeaderContributor Contributes a reference to a javascript file relative to the context path.
HeaderContributor.JavaScriptReferenceHeaderContributor prints a javascript resource reference.
HeaderContributor.ResourceReferenceHeaderContributor Wraps a ResourceReference and knows how to print a header statement based on that resource.
SimpleAttributeModifier A lightweight version of the attribute modifier.
StringHeaderContributor A simple header contributor that just spits out the string it is constructed with as a header contribution.

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